

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

毕业生关注的焦点 – Princilia Kiabanzawoko

posted on Tuesday, May 3, 2022 in  毕业生档案

抵达美国后.S. from the Congo with her family in 2016, Princilia Kianbanzawoko has focused on her 教育. After graduating from 滑铁卢 West High, she came to 靠谱买球app推荐 for 幼儿教育. “Hawkeye was like a big opportunity for me,公主说。, who wants someday to be a preschool teacher. “This is not the end, but it has opened the door.”


  1. 校友
  2. 幼儿教育
  3. 毕业