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First Group of Iowa 高中生, Educators Travel to Kosovo as Part of New International Collaboration

发布于2018年10月22日星期一  College News

PRISHTINA, KOSOVO—Students and educators from five Iowa high schools recently spent a week in Kosovo, collaborating with local schools and government officials as part of a new innovative partnership to improve agricultural education both in Iowa and abroad.

The group traveled to Kosovo September 23-30, 2018 kicking off a partnership first envisioned by former Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and Kosovo’s former Minister of Agriculture, 梅里·Krasniqi. It was organized by the 全球农业学习中心 at 靠谱买球app推荐, 爱荷华姐妹州, 爱荷华州农业局, 爱荷华州FFA协会, 爱荷华州FFA基金会, and the Consulate of the Republic of Kosovo in Des Moines.

“This was a transformative experience for both students and educators,布拉德·金辛格说, director of the 全球农业学习中心 at 靠谱买球app推荐. “It is providing a platform to exchange and share practices and ideas to improve agricultural education in Kosovo and right here in Iowa.”

Iowa schools are paired with counterparts in Kosovo, creating a collaborative network to study agricultural systems and challenges, and generate ideas for new sustainable practices. Several days of the weeklong trip included the high school students and educators spending time with their partner schools to build relationships and get a sense of what agricultural education looks like in Kosovo.

”This program was an amazing opportunity to build global understanding both in Iowa and Kosovo,辛迪·斯内尔说, an agriculture teacher with Waukee Community Schools. “Our lives will not be the same after an experience like this.”

在普里什蒂纳, the group met with representatives from the ministries of agriculture; education; and youth, culture, and sport. They also toured local farms and agricultural businesses with representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), including a dairy, an orchard, and a greenhouse.

“I am so glad and fortunate to have had this experience,乔西·豪瑟说, a student at 普莱森特维尔高中. “Getting to go to Kosovo was eye opening…It was the people that made this trip such a great experience.”

The collaboration will continue with regular conversations between students and educators in Iowa and Kosovo, leading up to a stateside visit from the Kosovar delegation in April 2019.

“It’s incredible to see the impact this experience is having on students and educators here in Iowa and in Kosovo,金辛格说. “This was the first international experience for these Iowa high school students, and to see them grow both academically and personally is extremely rewarding. This is just the beginning of collaboration with agricultural education programs in Kosovo and Iowa to improve agricultural education here and abroad. We’re excited to see how this program continues to grow with Kosovo and with other countries around the globe.”


爱荷华高中 Participants 科索沃合作学校
厄尔温高中 丹·多因,教育家
独立高中 迈克尔·哈登,教育家
联合高中 ——教育家贝克
普莱森特维尔高中 蒙蒂·柯林斯,教育家
华基高中 辛迪·斯内尔,教育家
Renee Piekema,学生

图片标题: "Group Photo—Iowa to Kosovo" Front (L to R): High school students Avery Hanaway (Independence), 乔西·豪瑟《靠谱买球app推荐》, Renee Piekema(沃基), 艾丽·达菲(Oelwein), 卡尔森·亨宁斯(联合), and 靠谱买球app推荐 student Morgan Lauer. 后排:布拉德·金辛格, director of the 全球农业学习中心 at 靠谱买球app推荐, with high school educators (L to R) Michael Haden (Independence), 蒙蒂·柯林斯《靠谱买球app推荐》, 辛迪·斯内尔(沃基), 丹·多因(Oelwein), 路易斯·贝克(联合大学).

For more information about this program, contact Brad Kinsinger at 319-296-2329, ext.1321, or


  1. Agriculture
  2. 农业与自然资源
  3. 全球农业学习中心
  4. 爱荷华姐妹州
  5. Kosovo
  6. Study Abroad
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